Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Students will write a timed-essay using a expository writing prompt: Think about the best day you've ever had with your family. Now write an essay explaining why that day was best.

Students read background information about West African Oral Literature, textbook pages 612-623. Then students answered the following questions:

a. Why do parts of U.S., Latin and Caribbean culture show West African influence?
b. What is a diviner?
c. What is a queen mother?
d. How were the lives of enslaved and freeborn people similar?
e. How were their lives different?
f. Judging from your knowledge of slavery in the Americas, how was early West African slavery different?
g. What are some functions of West African oral literature?
h. What elements do traditional West African religions share?


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