Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wednesday August 30,2006

Homework:Complete vocabulary in action page 244 and writing options#2.
Todays assignment:Arts and Humanities
read pages 170-171 and awnser the following questions.
1.Which word does not describe the sculpture of ancient greece?a)idealistic b)graceful c)harmorious d)chaotic
2.On what occasions do greeks dance?
3.What form a literature is Homer assoited with?
4.How is a lyric poem different from an epic poem?
5.Who were the four major dramatists of ancient greece?
6.What were the Acropolis is the hill over looking Athens?
7.What is a rhapsode?
Daily spark:Reading from connect to your life on the page 233.Now do a freewriting for five
minutes on the topic given. sc-Ashely


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