Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday August 31, 2006

Today we watch the morning news just like any other day. We have school news that we must watch daily. After the morning news we do our daily spark, which is when we are given an assingment to read out of our textbooks and respond to what ever we read. Some times we are given the option of listening to a tape recorder, which plays the story which we were to read. Afterwards we post bloggs on some assignments that were given to us. Then we are assinged homework and class is over.


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wednesday August 30,2006

Homework:Complete vocabulary in action page 244 and writing options#2.
Todays assignment:Arts and Humanities
read pages 170-171 and awnser the following questions.
1.Which word does not describe the sculpture of ancient greece?a)idealistic b)graceful c)harmorious d)chaotic
2.On what occasions do greeks dance?
3.What form a literature is Homer assoited with?
4.How is a lyric poem different from an epic poem?
5.Who were the four major dramatists of ancient greece?
6.What were the Acropolis is the hill over looking Athens?
7.What is a rhapsode?
Daily spark:Reading from connect to your life on the page 233.Now do a freewriting for five
minutes on the topic given. sc-Ashely

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesday August 29, 2006

Today in class we did a daily spark in our notebook. The daliy spark was on pg.R56 partA and C. Tonight for homework we have nothing for homework. We also did a free writing assignment for FCAT in class today. It was about writing an essay to explain to your prinicipal the course you would recommend. I enjoy being a class scribe for a day.Tommorow is Authur's turn to be our class scribe. Gotz to go! sc-Andre

Monday, August 28, 2006

More Student Blogs

Student Blogs

Monday 8-28-06

Today in class we made our blogs, so everybody should now be on Tonight for homework we have to work in our WorkSkills workbook Pg.27 parts C-D. I enjoyed being the class scribe today I felt like the teachers aid or something. I think evryone in the class enjoyed me also. Tomarrow Andre will be our class scribe. Alright I enjoyed helping out today "but I gotta go right now, I'll be back before you know it". sc-Aaron

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Welcome to World Literatrue

This blog has been designed by students in a high school English II course. We will use this blog as a technological medium for students to daily post class readings, assignments and class lectures.