Today in class, we have to take a reading test on the book Lord of The Flies. But otherwise this should be a great day in class. We've just got finished watching the morning news,it wasn't that interesting,but it was ok. In class today the questions on the test are
1.Explain why you think the boys chose Ralph as their leader.
2.What does the conch symbolize in the story? Explain why
3.What effect does their time in the bathing pool have on Ralph and Jack?
4.When Rodger throws rocks at Henry, why doesn't he aim to hit?
5.What conclusion does Ralph come to about being chief? What about his own ability?
6.Ralph tells the group they should die before they let the fire go out. What does he mean by that comment?
7.Why do the twins assume that the dead parachutist is the beast?
8.What does Jack say about the new place he and Ralph have just explored would be a good place for? How does he suggest it could be defended?
9.With Jack in charge of the hunt, what does Ralph daydream about?
10.Describe the source of the conflict between Ralph and Jack?