Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday September 28,2006

Today in English 2 we started the class with daily spark which we had to read poems and answer the following questions.We also helped finding someone's lost binder.After the daily spark we were suppose to use our time to catch up on missing assignments or we could use our time to do are project that is creeping up slowly.Well thats it,not much I know,but it is better than nothing.

sc-Mark A. Cochran

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday September 26, 2006

Daily Spark- review prepositions, interjections and conjunctions on page R54-R65. Then complete the grammar practice on page R65.

Daily Assignments

1. Add your anecdote written yesterday to your blog. The title should be the title of your story.

2. Read "Song of P'eng-ya" by Tu Fu, pages 468-469. Complete the Thinking Through Literature on page 470 (omit question number 3).

3. Alternative Assignment: Due October 5- you are free to work on your project for the remainder of class.

sc- Katie

Monday, September 25

We read "The Night the Be Fell" by James Thurber. After defining an anecdote on pag 433, explain how Thurber's writing is a paraim of an Anecdote.

Complete Unit 4 of the Wordskills workbook sections A & B pages 41-46.

Write your own anecdote and place it one your blog: title the post with the original name of your story.

Read pages 442-444 of the textbook for homework (omit number 5)


Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday, September 22

Daily Spark: Read "Analects" on page 436 of the literature textbook, and answer questions 3, 5 and 7 on page 439. Place your responses to the questions on your blog. Title your blog "Thinking Through Analects."

Students will work on alternative book reports due September 28 or updated blogs.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday September 21,2006

Today we are starting with the daily spark.We are going into our textbooks and doing the grammar practice.The grammar practice is about Troy.We talked about it for a little bit yesterday and today.Next we get into our reading groups and do the read the literature of acient china.I keep saying we but,we are going to be reading about ancient china

CS:Jessica Powell

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday September 20, 2006

For our Daily Spark today it is about poetry and just pretty much answering questions about it. We are next passing out books dealing with the PSTA test, and i think the books are for our parents to go through. Every wednesday is going to start being our potery day. We are now talking about the story "Helen of Troy" (which we are also reading) and i take it, its going to be about the legend of troy. After we read the story we are to then write a blog ( in our own blog) and what we are writting on the blog is compairing and constracting to different poems, and our entry should be in three paragraphs at least. Now everyone is off in there on groups working on their own blog and thats it for today, and we are going to be going to the international site and work on that. Every Wednesday is our poetry day now!

sc- Jennifer Tillman

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday 9/19/06


Today is Tuesday 9/19/06,and we will be doing our daily spark,and then our essay.
your going to get your wordskills book back and the grades for the wordskills books has been posted and cannot be changed from this point on.
Todays Daily spark..

The writing process
1.Explain why prewriting is impotant in the writing process.
2.What is the purpose of transitions in an essay?
3.Are examples always necessary in an essay?
Explain why or why not?
In your literary groups of three you will read and score the FCAT practice essays of your classmates follow the guidelines listed below.
-Highlight the topic sentence in each paragraph
-Circle all transitional words or phrases used
-Place a square around fresh vocabulary words or phrases used
-Underline examples given in each paragraph
-And answer the following questions;
1.What do you think the writer is saying?
2.What's the main idea of the essay?
3.Does the writer stay on topic?
4.were there enough examples given?Explain.

sc-Jenna :D

Monday, September 18, 2006

World Literature: Student Blogs

World Literature: More Student Blogs

Monday, September 18

Our first assinment today was to complet pages 35-36 and 38-39 in our wordskills book as bell work. next we read metamorphoses by ovid, pages 398-402. then we analyzed metamorphoses for the following elements the theme, explain how lines 6-13 helped develop the plot, what is the center conflict, what does the phrase "unknown arts" refer to, select details that foreshadow icarus's death, how the iland of ikaria got its name, difin the word metomorphoses and how the myth connects to the words definition. add these answers to your blog titled; metomorphosis.

sc-Harry Ramhofer

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday 9/15/06

Today on our first list of procedures we start off on our Daily Spark we compare and contrast women from Rome, Greece, India and Mesopotamia ( Mesopotamia includes Sumerian, Hebrew and Egyptain women) next we are having observers come to our class to observe use and observing use on what we do on Other than that we have just been using the computers to blog assigments and additional work.

sc- Evita

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Todays Classvork: Thursday, September 14

Students will use literal and inferntial skills with a literary text- oedipus rex

In your literary circles complete the reading of oedipus rex(pages315-327). Complete the thinking through the literature on page 330 questions 1,3,4,6. Place this assignment in the basket at the end of class or place it on your blog. Scelect one of the alternative assignments listed on my webpage. this assighnment will be due sept 28.

sc - E.S.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday, September 13

Today students took the SCPT (Sarasota County Planning Tool) math test. Students were then given the following classwork and homework assignments:

International Classroom:

Go to and sign in. Write a message in which you explain that we are reading Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and discuss your responses and thoughts about the play. This entry should be at least one paragraph or more. Copy the message and include it on your blog titled Oedipus and Me.

Read the two poems on pages 383-389 and answer the following questions:
Page 387 question number 3
Page 390 question number2

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday September 12, 2006

Today on our agenda first, we are starting a writing prompt that is called the FCAT (Florida Comprehension Assessment Test) practice prompt and we have approximately 45 minutes to write and explain about the topic given. The topic is- Seventy five community service hours are required in out county in order to qualify for scholarships. But some high schools are required students to preform community service hours to graduate. Now, write a letter to the School Board stating your position on community service hours as a graduation requirement and support it with conviction.

Next on our list of things to do is- Our teacher posted our grades on the bulletin board and told us that they would be on out progress reports.

The third thing on the agenda is- Continue reading the story Oedipus Rex on pages 301-314 in literature text books.

Next- On her webpage ( ) select one of the alternative reading assignments. The assignment will be due September 28th (based on Oedipus Rex)

In addition!- Please note that open house is Thursday night from 6:30 to 8:00
SC- Emily Wyatt

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday, September 11

We started our class period this morning by watching the school news. We were also asked to do our daily spark, which was 5 questions about a previous story we read in class: Oedipus Rex.

In your literary, continue reading Opedius Rex (pages 284-300). Complete the Thinking Through the Literature on page 300.

Homework : Begin Unit 3 in the Wordskills Workbook Pages 31-35 parts A and B only.

The question for the daily spark are listed below:

Answer the following questions about Oedipus Rex

1. In the beginning of the play, Oedipus insists on meeting personally with the priests. What does Oedipus' actions suggest about him as a ruler?
2. Creon is reluctant to share his information in front of the priests; what is Creon arfaid of?
3. Why does Oedipus believe that Tiresias must be involved in Laius' murder?
4. Why doesn't Oedipus respond when Tiresias says Oedipus married his mother and killed his father? (p.281)
5. Do you think Oedipus is being logical in assuming Tiresias must be involved in the murder of Laius? Explain.

sc-Donald Hawkins

Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday, September 8, 2006

Today we watched the school news and did our daily spark.
Then we are going to start reading Oedipus Rex pages 262-283. Blog answers to Thinking Through Literature on page 283.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday September 7, 2006

Today we watch the morning news, then we check the homework on page 29 in our wordskills book.
After the homework we join our literary groups to review the FCAT Writing Rubic for 10th Grade and based in the rubic we have to score someones FCAT Essay.

Thats all we did for today.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday, September 6

Students took the SCPT reading test. This is the Sarasota County Planning Tool. This test is given to provide information to assist teacher in planning instruction an growth of students this year.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Today's assignments
-daily spark in the text book pages R59-R61 and grammar practice.
-Select two stories from the book Heroes, god and Monsters of the Greek Myths. Then compare the two stories on your blog.
We are now going over are daily spark together.